2010年10月3日 星期日


當您有鉛筆盒 廠商採購需求或是想要銷售產品時,介紹你一個好用的貿易網─文筆天天網,您可以在買賣看板中張貼採購及銷售訊息,讓您的需求曝光在全球貿易市場上,以最有效益且最快速的方法賞握貿易商機。


可以參考 鉛筆盒 產品型錄找到你需要的東西,或是在 文具收納產品 有更多 文具 的相關產品!


關於 幸運輪鉛筆盒 型號為 : PBX-606

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2010年10月2日 星期六

Toy Balls

Telling you a convenient toy balls suppliers buying guide - "trade yellow pages". TTnet.net offers you a useful b2b directory when you are looking for suppliers. If you want to find trade manufacturers and Taiwan suppliers, they also offer the "wenbi buying guide" in Chinese version. Those directories make you purchasing products easier.

Stylish Plastic Ball

Directory of toy balls that you can find it on sports toys of toys category!

. PIG 1. Game ball size: 5 cm, 5.5 cm, 6 cm, 7 cm, 7.5 cm, 8 cm & 10 cm 2. Packaging comes in net bag, tube bag and display box. 3. A vaeiety of different package is available and can be custom-made upon customers’ request.

Model of Stylish Plastic Ball : LI-614E

Stylish Plastic Ball is related to Stylish Plastic Ball, etc..




More related directories about Toy Balls are Toy Balls wholesalers, Stress Balls makers, Sports Toys manufactories, Electronic Toys manufacturers, Ride Toys manufacturers, Model Toys manufactories, Battery Toys manufacturers, Pet Toys makers, etc. .

There are more than hundredes thousands global buyers who purchase their demand products on tthet.net. A professional b2b website can help you to earn more business, and creating your global trade market. Be their free member at once for bring more trade opportunities.